Work on the Lilla tunnel


Work on the Valls-Montblanc bypass of the A-27 dual carriageway in the province of Tarragona is nearing completion.

The A-27 will be a high-capacity alternative route to the N-240 between Tarragona and Montblanc, where it will link up with the AP-2. The new section of dual carriageway starts near the town of Masmolets, in the municipality of Valls, and ends at the Lilla junction, in the municipality of Montblanc. The total length of the section is just over 5 km.

The most complex element of the section is the Lilla tunnel, which can be seen in the image, made up of twin 1,5-kilometre-long tubes, one for each carriageway of the dual carriageway, intercommunicated by evacuation galleries, each 200 metres long. The complete work will consist of two viaducts, two overpasses, two subways and a junction with the N-240 road in Lilla. The ORION Group team is currently working on waterproofing the tunnel with PVC membranes.

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